Saturday, November 29, 2014

I Wonder If She Knows...

"We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives. "  

~John F. Kennedy

For as long as I can remember I wanted to "go to" Crenshaw High School.  In the 1970's Crenshaw was one of the most popular high schools in South Central, Los Angeles.  The band was good.  The football team was raw.  The basketball team was incredible.  You know, all the stuff kids are impressed with before they realize getting an actual education is the priority?  Mmmm hmmmm.  When I was a little girl I had an elementary school friend named, "Yvette Marie Nelson" (if you know her, please tell her I miss her, have been looking for her and would love to hear from her) who's older sister, Lizzie was a student at Crenshaw AND a varsity cheerleader.  Every chance we could get Yvette and I would tag along with Lizzie to cheer practice, Yvette holding one of Lizzie's big fluffy blue and gold pom poms and me holding the other.  We would sit in the bleachers and try to follow along while Lizzie and the rest of the cheerleaders practiced shouting out, 
Shaw City...Sittin' Pretty!

I said a, 1-2 who are you?  Crenshaw!
3-4, who's gonna score?  Crenshaw!
5-6, who do you pick?  Crenshaw!
7-8, who's looking great?  Crenshaw!
9-10, who's gonna win?  Crenshaw!
Say it again!  
Who's gonna win?  
I said a, 10-9, who's so fine?  Crenshaw!
8-7 who's going to heaven?  Crenshaw!
6-5, who don't jive?  Crenshaw!
4-3, who are we?  Crenshaw!
2-1, who's number one?  Crenshaw!

Lizzie was smart, popular and so incredibly proud to be a Crenshaw Cougar!  As a little brown ashy girl I wanted to have that kind of high school experience and I just knew that could only happen at Crenshaw.  When the time came I convinced my mother to send me from Audubon Junior High School right on to 5010 11th Avenue.  Little did I know back then attending that inner city jewel would be one of the best decisions of my life and a desperately needed safe haven for me when my world outside of Crenshaw was chaotic and lonely. 

While I was in high school I bounced from foster home to foster home while my mother fell victim to crack cocaine but no matter where I was placed, I made it to Crenshaw every morning for first period.  You could not pay me to miss one single day!  Yeah, I was late many a morning but still managed to convince Homer to let me through the front gates.  Once inside those gates the reality of my home life faded into the background and I was able to focus on good things and just be a kid, you know?  Crenshaw was the best thing in my life back then.  Grabbing a greasy egg sandwich from the truck that sat outside the school every morning before the first bell rang.  Rushing to "nutrition" to get one of those tiny orange juice boxes and that delicious warm coffee cake.  Passing notes in class to boys answering their question, "Will you go with me?  Check "Yes" or "No."  Getting my groove on at the noon dances and rushing back to class sweaty and musty from actually dancing (most kids don't do that now).  Just making it past the classroom door in time to avoid Pozzo and Kiehl's "tardy sweeps."  Submitting song requests for the "Campus Top 10" on KDAY, "Crenshaw High That's Where I'm From!"  Dressing for cheer practice after school (JC and Varsity, baby!).  Asking for bogus hall passes to go to the bathroom just to walk slowly by the classroom of some knuckle headed boy I liked.  "Pssst.  Pssst."  Partying in the "Cougar's den" to DJ Reg on the turntables during basketball games where we would BLOW out the visiting team.  'Dem Shaw ballers were b a d!  Spilling outside the front gates with everyone else just in time to see the car show that would be waiting for us.  Nissans.  Bugs.  Caprice Classics.  Suzuki Samurai Jeeps.  

In the 80's my classmates and I were not unlike any of the hundreds of brown kids growing up in the inner city.  Most of us were living to not get caught up with the local gang sets, fall victim to a random and senseless drive-by or become teen parents.  There was very little question back then that we would graduate high school, though.  We even talked about what we would wear graduation day which included dress pants, ties, dress shirts, dresses and "pumps."  None of that foolishness we see now a days with kids dressing super casual under their cap and gown or way too "grown."  Nuh uh!  Back then you dressed up for graduation because it was an expectation and cause to be fancy and proud.  But!  Discussions about college were few and far between.  A lot of us would graduate and move on to get a full time job making what the old folks called, "money," remaining right in the neighborhood we came of age in.  Some even went to the military.  But if we went to college?!?  Many of us would be first generation in our families to do so and to make that happen, we needed help.   

"Faith, you have been summoned down to the counselor's office."  That's what my teacher told me back in 1987 in the middle of class.  Now, because I was constantly getting into this or that because of my slick tongue and plots to get over on the faculty I figured my latest caper was discovered.  Dang!  I trotted down the steps of the main hallway, made my way past the main office and readied myself for the fanciful story I would weave to get out of trouble.  I sat down in the counselor's office and waited for what seemed like forever.  I looked up when my name was finally called and standing before me was this tall older white woman.  "Oh, Lord...I must really be in trouble now!", I thought.  She called me further into her office, pulled out what had to be my cumulative file and asked if I had plans to go to college because I most certainly could with my GPA.  College.  That woman's name was Mrs. Goodman and that simple question completely change my life.

UCSB Class of 1993
From that day when Mrs. Goodman called me to her office, I busied myself preparing for a bigger future than what I ever imagined on my own.  See, I knew after graduation from Crenshaw I would be expected to leave my foster home and live as an adult.  I was 17 years old.  Desperate for some kind of stability and determined to not rely on someone else to take care of me ever again, I resigned myself to the fact that I would probably have to join the military. If nothing else, I would have a roof over my head and food in my belly, right?  Not sure if I would have stayed in the military because the idea of taking orders from somebody else never quite appealed to me, but I was desperate.  My other option depended on my foster mother allowing me to remain in her home after the state stopped sending those foster care checks.  Highly unlikely.  Mrs. Goodman's insistence that I could go to college...and do well...was a God send and there was no turning back after I chose to believe her.

Month after month after month, Mrs. Goodman shoved college brochures into my hands, told me to read them and come to her with any questions.  She bombarded me with this paper and that paper and made sure I understood what deadline was coming next.  She demanded that I get a good night's sleep before the SAT and have a solid breakfast the morning of the test.  She proofread my college admission essays that went along with those pesky college applications.  There wasn't one fee waiver for a college application I did not apply for and get because of her diligence. She hounded me to compete for every possible scholarship to go along with grants I would need to even afford college.  Shout out to Delta Sigma Theta for that large scholarship!  She made sure to encourage me to talk to graduates from the Class of 1987 that were thriving in colleges she pushed them off to.  You should have been how proud she was to greet them with warm hugs and pats on the back when they came back to Crenshaw for homecoming covered head to toe in their college paraphernalia!  I wanted to be like those kids and grew more and more enthusiastic about the idea of going to college.  And then we waited.

Slowly and I mean slowly, college acceptance letters started coming in.  All the fear, anxiety and worry that sat in my belly about what would happen to me after graduation faded away with each letter I opened that said, "It is my pleasure to inform you of your acceptance to..."  When it was all said and done I was able to decide what college I wanted to attend from several options since Mrs. Goodman made sure I applied to damn near every university in California.  Ultimately I went with my first choice, University of California at Santa Barbara and I was so very excited.  I WAS GOING TO COLLEGE!!!  Just 2 months after graduating high school I would be a freshman living in the dorms with a meal plan at the dining commons and my entire first year covered through grants and scholarships.  A place to live.  Food to eat.  And an education!  The transition into college wasn't easy for me, though.  After a tough freshman year where I felt way out of place and unsure, I settled into the fullness of college life more every year and graduated with new found character, plenty of hustle and a real opportunity to do and be something great in my small part of the world. 

Some 26 years later, I still think of Mrs. Goodman when I reach some educational or professional goal.  I wonder to myself if she would be proud of me and what I have made of my life thus far?  I can't remember if I properly thanked Mrs. Goodman for all of her hard work on my behalf.  I mean, I would like to think I expressed my appreciation while I was a student sitting in her office but let's be honest...gratitude does not come easy to most teenagers and expressing it certainly is not a priority.  A recent post on Facebook by a fellow Cougar (THE Bruce Herron) inspired me to attempt to reconnect with Mrs. Goodman one more time and wouldn't you know I found her?!?!  I was able to tell her how amazing she was to me then.  How incredible it was that she swooped in at just the right time and guided me to a brighter future.  How fantastic her willingness to push me towards goodness was and it helped grow my trust in people that do not look like me.  How her dream for me inspired me to practice dreaming for myself. that tiny seed she planted in the late 80's has blossomed into a vibrant, flourishing flower alongside countless over vibrant and flourishing flowers that are thriving in a beautiful garden Mrs. Goodman helped plant back at THE Crenshaw High School.  We are lawyers, nurses, educators, social workers, entrepreneurs, government employees, veterans and well adjusted adults.  And of course, we are THE mighty, mighty Crenshaw High School Cougars!  Thank you, Mrs. Goodman.  Thank.  You.  

Who do you need to take the time to thank 

for their presence in your life?  

Thursday, November 20, 2014

So You Think You Can Dance?

"Scandalous Thursdays!"

"Hi!  My name is Faith Margaret and I watch Scandal."  I enjoy it.  Thoroughly…and will blog  right here about all new episodes on Thursday nights beginning next week.  Oh!  Your theories about what is happening next in this suspenseful show are welcomed along with my musings.

There.  She.  Is.  Mama Pope is back looking all disheveled and diabolical.  “Thank you, baby!  Thank you for getting me outta there.”  Apparently she believes Olivia is on her team and will “handle” them.  Or nah.  Three The Hard Way (Olivia, Fitz & Jake) need Mama Pope to inform them what the hells is goings on with Daddy Pope but she ain’t having no parts of that.  Olivia tries to press the issue and Mama Pope is unfazed.  Doesn’t even flinch, really.  “You have a PhD in his crazy.”  I am going to save that for clever use when one of my good friends is crying and losing her damn mind over some cat that means her no damn good.  Mama Pope has good sense and advises her child to get her life, stop sleeping around with powerful men and get over her crazy daddy.  “Look around, Boo…”  Mama Pope is the cold one.  Daddy Pope is the loving one.  I, for one am ready to see the real showdown between Daddy and Mama Pope.   

Oh, Huck.  Poor Huck.  Little Huck saw his Daddy do a horrible thing to that pock-faced man and now there is nothing Huck can do about it.  Except maybe further traumatize his baby mama with B6-13 files that detail the horrible things that happened to him causing him to disappear.   I guess it could work...    

Command is distributing Kill Cards around town and cleaning house of B6-13 by knocking them off one by one?  That gross cat, Charlie makes my skin crawl and is carrying a Kill Card for Quinn. These two get to get throwin' ‘dem bows after some of that nasty bumping and grinding they like to partake in.  Must admit Quinn got mad squabbles, Yo and puts them paws on old Charlie.  But, c’mon, son!  Who the hell sits with their mortal enemy while nursing their wounds and catches up on family drama after a damn beat down?!?   Quinn is just so…random with her lust.  Always lurking around.  Ugh…I still do not like her and wish Shonda girl would get rid of her already and replace Harrison with another hot black man.  

Looks like O-Wishia has picked herself up, dusted herself off, adjusted her power suit and is ready to start all over again after the drama with her abusive ex husband.  She is always caught off guard in the Press Room at the White House.  The last to know e’ry damn thang!  Well...except for poor, poor David Rosen.  Just like last week and the week before that and the week before that, David has a big “L” for loser stamped on his forehead.  During his deposition of O-Wishia he gets to hear her say she was sleeping with that Leo Bergen cat.  Cue “Endless Love.”  Somebody give this cat some game, already.  *exasperated sigh*

All of Cyrus’ hot steamy and passionate love is in everyone’s living room for commentary, thanks to Ellen's Boo and the philandering Vice President.  That is a crisis the Presidency can’t afford right about now.  Pillow talk is something else, ain’t it?  Olivia figured the White House could get around that drama by Cyrus marrying the boy toy because everyone loves a good love story.  “I was in the closet for 40 years.  I only slept with 2 men.  One was the love of my life.  The other was a prostitute.”  Cyrus refuses to dishonor James’ memory by marrying the boy toy to avoid the scandal.  But he will quit instead.  “Damn! Damn!  Damn!”  Where is Florida Evans when you need her?  Forget Flo.  Summons Olivia to give Cyrus some straightenin’.  Olivia basically told Cyrus to put his big girl panties on, stop being a bitch baby and get back in the damn game!  I soooo want to have that kind of moment with somebody.  “Oh yeah, so you’re not a bitch baby?!?”  Love.  It.  Cyrus said, hell naw he ain't nobody's bitch baby but is one of the most powerful men in the world.  Just like that, he's back in the game.  That’s my man!!!

The Vice President has a fetish of sorts with the ladies, wouldn’t you say?  A signature move, huh?  Mellie smoothed played receiving that news off like a pro but she has got pissed off to the highest level of pissivity!  Fix that by telling old girl she better watch herself for STDs and get on the right team because her husband, the POTUS is the ticket to bet on.  Womp.  Womp.  Womp. 

Daddy Pope loves a good glass of red wine, don’t he?  He waits for Olivia at her dining room table with a damn Stevie Wonder album to start another of his masterful monologues.  Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Command...

“COULD YOU BE MORE UNGRATEFUL?!?  You're my flesh.  There would be NO Olivia Pope if not for me.  As difficult as it is to admit, I have failed as a father.  And it saddens me because I bled, toiled and allowed myself to be hated all for your protection.  All so you could believe that you are truly special.  But instead of gratitude I get scorn, ridicule, mockery and worst of all a daughter who sends in her clan of good old boys to kill me.  Your own blood.  Every.  Chance.  You.  Get.  It is your life that is sad.  It is you who cannot be normal.  It is you who has no comprehension of love.  So what?  Your stomach turns every time you look at me?  Well let me be the one to break it to you, Oliva.  You are simply looking in the mirror!”  He.  Ain’t  Neva.  Lied.  And Olivia thinks she has the guts to shoot her own father?!?  Girl, bye!  With a gun he easily laid down on the dining room table to tempt Olivia to take the kill shot when it first presented itself to her, their fate is sealed.  “Olivia.  Watch yourself."  Everybody knows what that means when your parent tells you that.  They.  Are.  Pissed.  "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?  Are you kidding me?!?  You just shot you own father.  You just shot me.  Never, never in a million years did I think that you would be willing to pull the trigger.”  Olivia broke his heart with her willingness to kill him and in that moment I am certain Command aka Daddy Pope would never ever ever kill his child.  He loves her so and is steadfast in his commitment to give her the best life possible even while being the menacing shadow that lurks around the corners.  “No matter how hard you try to deny it.  You will miss me when I’m gone.”

I want that black shawl, robe thingie Olivia had on when she put Stevie Wonder on the record player.  The same album Daddy Pope lovingly referred to right before she tried to kill him.  Let me find out Kerry Washington can get down with the get down!  Go Jake!  Go Jake!  Go Jake!  Am I the only one that gets tickled watching white folks get their groove on?  You never know if they are going to delight you with soul that keeps them right on beat with everyone else or leave you wanting to turn the music off to offer a free class on staying on beat.  Bless their hearts.  I still don't understand why soul and rhythm aren't distributed evenly amongst all of us?  I digress.  Jake did alright for himself, though.  So, finally Olivia admits she wants Fitz AND she wants Jake AND she ain’t choosing.  Not today.  Not tomorrow.  Today it’s all about pleasing Olivia and she wants to be happy and free.  G A M E.

Lovemaking on the piano will have to wait for now, unfortunately.  The Vice President is playing hard ball and kidnapped Olivia to manipulate the nation's foreign policy to his liking.  What a waste of a good generous glass of red wine.  

Until January 29th in the year of our Lord 2015, gladiators…
Side note:  If Joe Morton does not get an Emmy nod he better, dammit!

Side note to the side note:  I might just put that last black and white coat on my list for Santa.  I mean...I have been a good, good girl this year.  

Sunday, November 16, 2014

We Can Always Go Home

It's still there.  I mean, not that I thought it wouldn't be.'s still there. This is the last home my family shared some 30 years ago. My mother. My middle sister.  My baby sister. Her father.  My grandmother.  And me.  All six of us in that small 2 bedroom house owned by a man named, "Big Daddy" on the east side of town just beyond South Central, Los Angeles.  I was so happy when we moved into this house because my young and ever hopeful mind imagined we would be stable.  Finally!  No more moving from pillar to post because we couldn't make the rent.  Nuh uh...things were going to get better for us with this move.  I was too happy to invite friends over to visit because with this house I had no embarrassment about the paltry conditions of our home.  All the utilities were on.  We had a house phone (remember those) that rang all the time with calls from my friends for me. Every room was furnished. My baby sister and I even had our own beds.  Things were good!  Until they weren't. 

In the 7 months we lived at 5510 San Pablo there were some good times before things became difficult for us.  I remember coming home to the comforting aroma of red beans and rice (again) cooking on the stove.  Or the sound of fried chicken sizzling in a cast iron skillet and the smell wafting through the house causing me to ask again and again, "Time to eat, yet?"  Oh!  There was that time my friends and I snatched the sheet from under my baby sister while she slobbered away on her pillow, making her wet her pants she was so damn scared.  And that time I found $20 outside somewhere and was finally able to buy a "moo moo" from National's for my mother as her Mother's Day gift.  She cried.  I even remember the time my baby sister's father taught me how to iron a pair of pants within an inch of my life!  I still can press a pair of pants as good as any cleaners in town, too.    

But the memories that are seared in my consciousness as clear as day are much more sinister and depressing and sad that those glimpses of happy.  To be honest, during the entire 7 months we lived in that house I was mostly sad and afraid and confused and embarrassed.  Behind the securely closed and locked door and tightly shut windows covered with curtains, my adolescent mind worked overtime to make sense of the anger, intimidation, anxiety, sadness and fear that covered everything inside like a dense fog.  My mother struggled to find the motivation to actively participate in life without popping Valiums several times a day just to quiet her mind and dull the back spasms she endured.  My grandmother drowned her feelings of shame from running her answering service business at 819 Santee Street in downtown Los Angeles into the ground with can after can after can of Budweiser.  She and my mother would 'cuss each other out like they didn't even know one another during her drinking binges that seemed to happen every Friday like clockwork.  They would both awaken the next day as if nothing happened and we stepped around that tension in the house like it was a toy left behind by a child.  My baby sister's father controlled everything behind those doors with heavy hands he used to beat my mother into submission and mean and hurtful words he spewed with the full intention of crushing her spirit.  He was masterful.

Behind that door I was the parent that tended to my mother's busted lips, blackened eyes and battered and bruised limbs.  Behind that door I was the voice of reason that dressed my baby sisters, put my grandmother's car keys in my mother's hands and hurried us all out the door as my sister's father slept off his latest nasty and abusive mood.  And behind that door I was the one that tucked my sisters into bed when we returned a few hours later because my mother could not imagine her life…and ours…were worth more than the pitiful existence that was our reality in that home.  There was no time for me to be a kid behind the door of 5510 San Pablo.  And I absolutely hated that.        

We all left that house never to return in 1984 when my mother quickly succumbed to an addiction to "crack" cocaine that destroyed our fragile and dysfunctional, yet intact family within 4 short months.  My sisters and I went into foster care in separate placements that were a great distance from one another.  My baby sister's father vanished.  My mother and grandmother fed their addictions together roaming the streets of South Central and were ultimately not able to get my sisters and I out of foster care.  My baby sisters and I spent the remainder of our childhoods in foster care moving from placement to placement before exiting foster care upon our 18th birthdays.  And with all of that, 5510 San Pablo was the last home my sisters and I had as children.  

Everyone in my family struggled mightily as a result of our family circumstance.  Every.  Single.  One.  Of.  Us.  As far as I know my mother is still feeding her crack addiction 30 years later somewhere in South Central.  My grandmother suffered serious several debilitating strokes requiring total care while her mind deteriorated into dementia.  My baby sister's father died alone and very very sick from years of intravenous drug use.  And yet my sisters and I are still here today doing the best we can as adults that survived poverty, depression, drugs, domestic violence and utter chaos in our childhoods.  While my sisters still live in Los Angeles, I chose to create the life I wanted further away.  Rarely do I visit Los Angeles…for obvious reasons.  But a recent trip to Los Angeles to see about the most important person in my life forced me to go home.  

During my last day of this quick turn around trip to LA, without much thought I found myself driving towards 5510 San Pablo after 30 years.  I just needed to see it, you know?  To breathe it.  I made the block several times slowing down to take it all in as I got closer.  I was back home.  Alllll of those memories flooded my mind and my heart raced with the sheer overwhelm of it all.  Those same feelings of sadness and fear and confusion and embarrassment settled in my stomach just like when I lived in that home so many years ago.  I circled the block several times.  Slowly.  Again.  And.  Again.  Eventually, I slowed down long enough to snap a quick picture of 5510 San Pablo from the vantage point of the driver's seat of the rental car.  I pulled over and stared at the image and slowly the difficult feelings started to fade with the assurance that I am now in the driver's seat of my life.  I control what happens to me.  I choose what I allow to happen around me.  Looking at that picture affirmed for me that my sisters and I are the miracles that survived living in that home.  Indeed our lives are sometimes complicated and messy...but we are here!  Fighting to have what we want and desperately wanting to live authentically.  Using our past to propel us towards our futures.  Finding no shame in the home we came from and using our testimonies to encourage someone else…even ourselves…every now and then.   

I had had enough.  After a few drive-bys and before folks became suspicious of my circling the block staring at this house, I put the car in drive.  I took a deep cleansing breath, tossed my iPhone in the backseat, turned the radio up and drove away from that home.  I turned the corner satisfied with the journey thus far that led me to come back full circle.  I wiped the tears from my eyes and chose to dismiss the sadness that usually comes with tears and instead rejoiced for the journey thus far.  See...I was headed back to the home I have created for myself far, far, far away from the home I once knew.  And I was comforted right in that moment knowing we can always go home.  Thank GOD for that.

*Head Up.  Shoulders Back.  Face to the Sun*      

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Them Against Him??? Please!

"Scandalous Thursdays!"

"Hi!  My name is Faith Margaret and I watch Scandal."  I enjoy it.  Thoroughly…and will blog  right here about all new episodes on Thursday nights beginning next week.  Oh!  Your theories about what is happening next in this suspenseful show are welcomed along with my musings.

Debbie Allen with all her sass directed tonight’s episode.  I can just see her stomping around  the set snapping her fingers and barking orders when this episode was being shot.  Norm Nixon’s wife rarely disappoints, baby!  Remember her scene from the movie, Fame?  "You want fame?  Well, fame costs.  And right here is where you start paying.  With sweat!"  Where is Leroy, by the way?!?  That boy could f l y!  I digress...

“Captain Ballard!” to you, buddy cuz you don’t know him like that!  At least not anymore now that he has fallen under the spell of THE Olivia Pope.  The POTUS is not his friend but his nemesis so let’s move on and don’t interrupt him talking to his "girlfriend."  Yeah.  Right.    Olivia is a playa from the Himalayas!  *said just like Jeromey Rome from Martin "Look at the white shoes, look at the white shoes!"*  Olivia reminds her "boyfriend" that they “stand in the sun” and not creep in the shadows like she did with Fitz.  He's in.    

Finally those B6-13 files that old loser David Rosen didn’t know what to do with can be put to use.  David.  David.  David.  You have everything at your fingertips with the B6-13 files and you failed to capitalize on all that goodness.  Now you get to punch in as an “On Call Gladiator” and do the good work.  Gather all that information together and call for a tribunal to get Command out of being in command.  Yeah!  That sounds like a plan...

“Toot toot!  Heyyyy, beep beep!”  We miss you, Donna Summer! 

Elizabeth North is the female head of the Republican National Party and now she is being spied upon, like she doesn’t know her slick and sly ways with Cyrus’ boy toy is dirty, dirty, dirty.  Yassssss, Olivia you do not have to be friends with everyone you work with to do your job on their behalf brilliantly.  Wish I would have learned that lesson early in my career.  Dang!  

He.  Ain't.  Nothin'.  To.  Play.  With.  
Whoever writes for Command aka Daddy Pope must really enjoy figuring out what his next read will be!  He has THE best lines with so many hidden messages behind what he says that teeters along historically racial lines with every utterance.  Pay close attention, folks.  “Jake is not family.  You may love these boys, Olivia…but they are not your family.  After they’ve enjoyed the spoils they will move on.”  Mmmm hmmmm, he might be disgusting (in a really understandable way, I might add…kinda like Tony Soprano) but he is still your father, Olivia and indeed he will always be your family.  “You will always have a place at my table.  I will always be there.  Waiting.  For you."  Ain't that the story of black folks about black folks that are rejected by other folks?  Message.

How did I miss that the California cat that saved Mellie from killing herself and her daughter caught her on her knees before is now the VP?!?  Where the hell is mean old Sally Langston, anyways?  Anyways.  Nothing like the man you secretly covet nearly getting his head blown off to make your nature rise, huh?  “That bomb went off and I woke up.  My body woke up.”  *pant pant*  Having one’s shirt ripped open in a consenting lustful encounter is hot like fire, baby!  Saddle up, cowgirl!  That red bra is a good look, Mellie girl.  Getting your groove on in the White House has to be mind blowing.  Who could resist that opportunity if it presented itself?!?  I mean, not saying that I would but I would understand if YOU would…

Notice how Olivia is always positioned in between Fitz and Jake?  And her outfit is black and white when she is in scene with them?  

You know, I don’t think Olivia wants Fitz or Jake.  I think she really wants her father.  Her daddy.  What every little girl wants all of her life.  A father and a daddy that loves her unconditionally and keeps all the monsters away from her bedside at night.  A father and a daddy that teaches her to make good decisions and prides himself in the woman she has become because of his guidance.  A father and a daddy that keeps not one secret from her and is her biggest and loudest fan.  Not any other man on the planet earth can beat a father and daddy in praising her, so she knows all of her worth.  Because she doesn’t have that kind of father and daddy she continues to choose the Fitzs' of the world and toys with the Jakes' of the world.  She needs a damn father and daddy!

Somebody finally told the makeup artists that Cyrus’ new hair looked ridiculous and we are back to him looking like an over-aged politician.  I can take him more seriously now.  Maybe that was the point with that ridiculous makeover?  Cyrus is asking Olivia for help against her client who is trying to blackmail him by teasing him with that hot boy toy.  He paying rent for dudes not?!?  *tsk tsk tsk & utter look of disgust on my face*  Cyrus is off his game.  Lost his political wit.  Olivia to the rescue!  Throw old girl off and give your old friend, Cyrus a chance to get himself together.  Uh oh.  Boy toy really digs Cyrus?  Yuck.  

“OWWWW!  Oooo, my honey!  You got me working day and night!”  
We love you, Michael Jackson!  *chair dancing*

Awwwww…Huck and his son playing together at Pope & Associates.  That is the storyline I have been waiting for season after season after season.  “Do you have a work related request for me?” is code for “Get the hell outta my business, heiffa!”  Leave that man alone and let him have a little big of happy.  After all the brainwashing and torture and killing, he deserves some happy. 

Clearly the boys can’t handle this thing without fighting back and forth like little boys on a school yard vying to play with the shiny red truck.  It is best for Olivia to handle this her way.  Call your father and cry.  Get him to be daddy.  Handle it.  Duh.  

The VP is screwing the Elizabeth chick and giving Mellie the biz’ness, right after the other?  He prolly still has Mellie’s scent on him, too!  Ewwwwwww!  He.  Nasty.  Quinn shows up as annoying as ever and helps Huck piece together what is really going on.  Huck uses those B6-13 skills and sends that pock-faced cat to meet his maker all while Javie watches with his ice cream cone in hand.  Damn.  Damn.  Damn.  

Dinner with dad and Olivia is wearing the white coat.   You know what that means!  She is ready to do the right thing at the right time for the right reason.  Or so she thinks.  It’s time for Command aka Daddy Pope to confess his flaws as a father and daddy to Olivia and let Olivia know what he really wanted for her.  He moves closer to her.  Mmmm hmmmm…he is on to her and her plan with “them.”  Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you another read by Command aka Daddy Pope aka Bad Mutha…shut yo' mouth!

He Just Wants To Be Her Father Daddy...
“You have forsaken me.  Your father.  Your family.  You wanted to stand in the sun in the bright white light.  It blinded you. Those uh, people that you’ve chosen over me?  You do not see who they are.  What they want.  How they see you.  Those people are not your people.  They never will be and you will never be one of them.  You know what they would have done to me.  What they always do to people like me.  A trial.  An execution.  You were going to let them do that to me.  After all I’ve done to protect you from them.  I tried, Olivia.  I tried my best.  For the first time in your life you are on your own.  You think the world is so terrible with me in it?  Wait ‘til you see what it’s like without me.“  Did you catch alllll of that?!?

And dammit, there ain’t s*#! in those boxes at all.  Nothing.  Loser David Rosen loses.  Again!

Somebody give Debbie Allen her Wonder Woman Cape RIGHT DAMN NOW!

Until next week, gladiators!  It’s been a long time since I have said that!!!!