Friday, August 8, 2014

Gimme My Inner Peace

1.  Being centered  
2.  Worrying less.  A lot less.    
3.  Finding the joy in all things…big & small  
4.  Quieting my chattering mind

If I could master or at least practice regularly any of those 4 things?  Hmph!  My life would be absolutely positively without a doubt and most certainly different.  I know Jesus.  I pray.  I surround myself with positive folks.  I read self help books every now and then.  And still I can't quite grasp my hands completely around 1-4.  Because I am yet still on a quest to have a more full life and experience my Core Desired Feelings for 2014, there is work to be done.  *deep cleansing breath*  I am going to practice and grow comfortable with meditation. 

Feeding your soul is a good thing!
Before you clutch your pearls or shake your head in pity, this is not the first time I have considered meditation. The idea has crossed my mind before but it was a short lived effort.  Honestly, I scanned the shelves at Target (pronounced Tar-je') for a video with a cover that looked calming and peaceful, took it home, popped it in the DVR.  I waited for the magic to happen while my poodle, Ziggy sniffed around me as I was sitting quietly trying to get centered, dammit until he finally settled down in my lap.  Wrong.  Wrong.  Wrong!  I grew easily frustrated with how quickly my mind drifted onto trivial things.  "I wonder when that thing I ordered is going to be delivered?"  "Something stinks!"  "Did I pay the cable bill this month?"  Completely random thoughts that left me feeling incompetent and angry with myself for not being able to "settle down" like my mother would say.  I know our minds can wander during our beginning meditation practice but that just seemed ridiculous to me!  Maybe it was my age or even my incompletely thought out motivation for starting the practice of meditation that left me unsatisfied?  Not quite sure but this time feels a bit different.

This time the desire to begin the meditation practice is more grounded in a sense of well being I have been thirsting after this year.  Eight months ago I proclaimed, among other things that I want to feel settled and connected and my work thus far has been pushing me closer to those core desired feelings.  And.  I.  Love.  It.  I can see…and feel…inkling of progress I have made in getting more in touch with how I want to feel in the world and it is leaving me inspired to work towards more growth.  Making the decision to practice meditation fits nicely into my wants for myself and thanks to an invitation from the almighty, Oprah (how the hell does she always seem to know just the thing?) and her pal, Deepak to join their "21 Day Meditation Experience" I am on my way!

This global effort begins Monday, August 11, 2014 and a commitment to the process promises a release of well being to my mind, body and spirit.  At the end of this 21 straight day journey I am looking to have increased my self awareness, be better able to focus on the present, have reduced negative emotions, improved my ability to manage anxiety and having improved my sleeping habits among other things.  Heading into the 2nd half of my time on earth (sorry…that is you, too once you hit 40) finding peace is essential to my quality of life.  

"Just be…"  "Just be…"  "Just be…"  "Just be…"       *deep cleansing breath*

Check the link, register & journey on:

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