Thursday, November 20, 2014

So You Think You Can Dance?

"Scandalous Thursdays!"

"Hi!  My name is Faith Margaret and I watch Scandal."  I enjoy it.  Thoroughly…and will blog  right here about all new episodes on Thursday nights beginning next week.  Oh!  Your theories about what is happening next in this suspenseful show are welcomed along with my musings.

There.  She.  Is.  Mama Pope is back looking all disheveled and diabolical.  “Thank you, baby!  Thank you for getting me outta there.”  Apparently she believes Olivia is on her team and will “handle” them.  Or nah.  Three The Hard Way (Olivia, Fitz & Jake) need Mama Pope to inform them what the hells is goings on with Daddy Pope but she ain’t having no parts of that.  Olivia tries to press the issue and Mama Pope is unfazed.  Doesn’t even flinch, really.  “You have a PhD in his crazy.”  I am going to save that for clever use when one of my good friends is crying and losing her damn mind over some cat that means her no damn good.  Mama Pope has good sense and advises her child to get her life, stop sleeping around with powerful men and get over her crazy daddy.  “Look around, Boo…”  Mama Pope is the cold one.  Daddy Pope is the loving one.  I, for one am ready to see the real showdown between Daddy and Mama Pope.   

Oh, Huck.  Poor Huck.  Little Huck saw his Daddy do a horrible thing to that pock-faced man and now there is nothing Huck can do about it.  Except maybe further traumatize his baby mama with B6-13 files that detail the horrible things that happened to him causing him to disappear.   I guess it could work...    

Command is distributing Kill Cards around town and cleaning house of B6-13 by knocking them off one by one?  That gross cat, Charlie makes my skin crawl and is carrying a Kill Card for Quinn. These two get to get throwin' ‘dem bows after some of that nasty bumping and grinding they like to partake in.  Must admit Quinn got mad squabbles, Yo and puts them paws on old Charlie.  But, c’mon, son!  Who the hell sits with their mortal enemy while nursing their wounds and catches up on family drama after a damn beat down?!?   Quinn is just so…random with her lust.  Always lurking around.  Ugh…I still do not like her and wish Shonda girl would get rid of her already and replace Harrison with another hot black man.  

Looks like O-Wishia has picked herself up, dusted herself off, adjusted her power suit and is ready to start all over again after the drama with her abusive ex husband.  She is always caught off guard in the Press Room at the White House.  The last to know e’ry damn thang!  Well...except for poor, poor David Rosen.  Just like last week and the week before that and the week before that, David has a big “L” for loser stamped on his forehead.  During his deposition of O-Wishia he gets to hear her say she was sleeping with that Leo Bergen cat.  Cue “Endless Love.”  Somebody give this cat some game, already.  *exasperated sigh*

All of Cyrus’ hot steamy and passionate love is in everyone’s living room for commentary, thanks to Ellen's Boo and the philandering Vice President.  That is a crisis the Presidency can’t afford right about now.  Pillow talk is something else, ain’t it?  Olivia figured the White House could get around that drama by Cyrus marrying the boy toy because everyone loves a good love story.  “I was in the closet for 40 years.  I only slept with 2 men.  One was the love of my life.  The other was a prostitute.”  Cyrus refuses to dishonor James’ memory by marrying the boy toy to avoid the scandal.  But he will quit instead.  “Damn! Damn!  Damn!”  Where is Florida Evans when you need her?  Forget Flo.  Summons Olivia to give Cyrus some straightenin’.  Olivia basically told Cyrus to put his big girl panties on, stop being a bitch baby and get back in the damn game!  I soooo want to have that kind of moment with somebody.  “Oh yeah, so you’re not a bitch baby?!?”  Love.  It.  Cyrus said, hell naw he ain't nobody's bitch baby but is one of the most powerful men in the world.  Just like that, he's back in the game.  That’s my man!!!

The Vice President has a fetish of sorts with the ladies, wouldn’t you say?  A signature move, huh?  Mellie smoothed played receiving that news off like a pro but she has got pissed off to the highest level of pissivity!  Fix that by telling old girl she better watch herself for STDs and get on the right team because her husband, the POTUS is the ticket to bet on.  Womp.  Womp.  Womp. 

Daddy Pope loves a good glass of red wine, don’t he?  He waits for Olivia at her dining room table with a damn Stevie Wonder album to start another of his masterful monologues.  Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Command...

“COULD YOU BE MORE UNGRATEFUL?!?  You're my flesh.  There would be NO Olivia Pope if not for me.  As difficult as it is to admit, I have failed as a father.  And it saddens me because I bled, toiled and allowed myself to be hated all for your protection.  All so you could believe that you are truly special.  But instead of gratitude I get scorn, ridicule, mockery and worst of all a daughter who sends in her clan of good old boys to kill me.  Your own blood.  Every.  Chance.  You.  Get.  It is your life that is sad.  It is you who cannot be normal.  It is you who has no comprehension of love.  So what?  Your stomach turns every time you look at me?  Well let me be the one to break it to you, Oliva.  You are simply looking in the mirror!”  He.  Ain’t  Neva.  Lied.  And Olivia thinks she has the guts to shoot her own father?!?  Girl, bye!  With a gun he easily laid down on the dining room table to tempt Olivia to take the kill shot when it first presented itself to her, their fate is sealed.  “Olivia.  Watch yourself."  Everybody knows what that means when your parent tells you that.  They.  Are.  Pissed.  "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?  Are you kidding me?!?  You just shot you own father.  You just shot me.  Never, never in a million years did I think that you would be willing to pull the trigger.”  Olivia broke his heart with her willingness to kill him and in that moment I am certain Command aka Daddy Pope would never ever ever kill his child.  He loves her so and is steadfast in his commitment to give her the best life possible even while being the menacing shadow that lurks around the corners.  “No matter how hard you try to deny it.  You will miss me when I’m gone.”

I want that black shawl, robe thingie Olivia had on when she put Stevie Wonder on the record player.  The same album Daddy Pope lovingly referred to right before she tried to kill him.  Let me find out Kerry Washington can get down with the get down!  Go Jake!  Go Jake!  Go Jake!  Am I the only one that gets tickled watching white folks get their groove on?  You never know if they are going to delight you with soul that keeps them right on beat with everyone else or leave you wanting to turn the music off to offer a free class on staying on beat.  Bless their hearts.  I still don't understand why soul and rhythm aren't distributed evenly amongst all of us?  I digress.  Jake did alright for himself, though.  So, finally Olivia admits she wants Fitz AND she wants Jake AND she ain’t choosing.  Not today.  Not tomorrow.  Today it’s all about pleasing Olivia and she wants to be happy and free.  G A M E.

Lovemaking on the piano will have to wait for now, unfortunately.  The Vice President is playing hard ball and kidnapped Olivia to manipulate the nation's foreign policy to his liking.  What a waste of a good generous glass of red wine.  

Until January 29th in the year of our Lord 2015, gladiators…
Side note:  If Joe Morton does not get an Emmy nod he better, dammit!

Side note to the side note:  I might just put that last black and white coat on my list for Santa.  I mean...I have been a good, good girl this year.  

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