Saturday, February 15, 2014

I Got 99 Problems But Keeping My Happy Ain't One!

Have you ever had a moment where for no particular reason at all you are just overcome with a feeling of peace and happiness?  It just happens upon you.  I experienced that very thing the other day and I slowed down a bit and went with the feeling.  I put aside the worry of what was going to happen the next minute, what I had to attend to the next day and just went with that feeing.  And to my surprise that feeling has lingered with me and I realized something.  I am in a good place in my life right now.  I am happy!  Just...happy.  And it is an awesome, super, fabulous, wonderful feeling!  Especially when you know what it feels like to not be happy and I know that feeling very, very well.  

Don't get me wrong, though.  It's not that I do not have things happening in and around my life that threaten to rob me of my happiness.  Nah…there is plenty of that to go around for everyone, including me.  But!  I have decided to guard my personal happiness like that German Shepherd named, "King" (every 'hood baby remembers that damn dog from their childhood) would guard his owner's front yard.  My happiness is mine.  It is my right to be happy.  And she, he and even they can't have it.  

It is a conscious choice to be happy in our lives and an even more deliberate choice to keep that happiness.  I figured a good place to start would be taking the time to look around and name all the reasons we have to be happy.  And come back to those reasons when we are struggling to keep our happy.  With that inspiration, I grabbed my MacBook Pro and came up with 50 reasons to be happy (took a bit of effort when I got to #38 )...  
  1. The smell of a newborn baby's breath
  2. Loud music
  3. The warmth of the sun on the back of my neck
  4. Laughter
  5. Books, books & more books
  6. The New York Times on Sunday
  7. Hand clapping & foot stomping at church (We don't need no music!)
  8. Crab.  Lots of crab!
  9. A juicy & well seasoned ribeye steak
  10. An ice cold glass of Pepsi
  11. Sitting on the grass in the sun
    The older I get, the more true this is.
  12. Outdoor concerts on a sunny day
  13. Easter!
  14. Lipgloss
  15. Little black boys with fresh haircuts
  16. A nice, long & hot bath
  17. Passionate kisses
  18. Catching a really good sale…score!
  19. Peet's White Chocolate Raspberry Mocha
  20. Mid day naps
  21. Tight, tight, tight, tight, tight jeans
  22. Live band music
  23. An “A HA!” Moment
  24. Rocking out during my morning commute
  25. Making love
  26. Hearing Ziggy drink water out of his water bowl. Weird, huh?
  27. Sitting on my balcony in the sun
  28. Slushees from Sonic
  29. Whole Foods granola
  30. New carwash
  31. A day at work with no meetings 
  32. Holding newborn babies
  33. Snuggling With Ziggy
  34. My baby sister's laugh
  35. Swimming
  36. Warm summer's evening breezes
  37. Puppies
  38. Street fairs
  39. Any song by Earth Wind & Fire.  Any!
  40. The smell of first rain on the concrete
  41. Finding money in my jean pockets
  42. Fragrant candles
  43. Getting my hair washed
  44. Macarons
  45. Tulips & sunflowers
  46. Laughing until my cheeks hurt
  47. UGGS!!!
  48. Pedicures
  49. Big hoop silver earrings 
  50. Dancing in the living room solo
No matter what is the matter there is always, always, always something to be happy about.  Even if we have to squint our eyes and peer real close to see it, it's there.  Now, back to my list.  #51...


  1. I am making my list now. Because I decided this year that I was going to be happy I found that I really am happy and enjoying little things in my day. I'm stopping to smell the roses. It really is the Little things that add up.

    1. Good for you, Toniesha! As I was making my list I began to have to think harder around #38 or so. I don't know if it was because I was trying to be creative or if it was because I am not taking the time to see the happy around me every day. We have got to slow down and appreciate goodness. it's really simple and it all adds up to give good perspective when things in our lives seem out of order.

  2. What a wonderful activity!!!! I have to say Sunflowers, surprise Ginger Ales left in my office for me, Sunflowers & Hugs! I am going to think on those things and many others this week!!!!

    Naming and claiming my happiness!!! =)

    1. Oooo…a hug! That would be my #51. A really, good, tight and meaningful hug!n Tell me what you come up with?

  3. I'm going to a training this week. I think I will sit and attempt to find 50 things that make me happy. Thanks for your list Fay Fay…and thanks for the idea.

    1. I want to see your list, Heidi…we share a lot of happy and I am trying to grow my list.

  4. Reality check....thanks Faith!

  5. Siiigh, #8....I'll never know the joy of crab (an I'm a Cancer, lol)...but the point was made, Faith! Excellent!


    1. Oh, no!!! I would be so sad if I could not eat crab, Sonya! Let's have a moment of silence for you, girlfriend...
