Monday, January 20, 2014

"Friends! How Many Of Us Have Them?" ~Whodini

From as early on as I can remember, I was that little girl on the playground that had to find a bunch of other little girls to play with.  This special little group of us could not stand to be apart and we did whatever we could to share each other's space.  If you wanted to be our friend…cool.  But you best know how to double dutch or at least not turn double handed!  We would scamper to sit on the rug for "Circle Time" together.  We made sure we were standing in line right in front of or behind one another when it was time for recess.  We ran to the bathroom together.  We hugged each other real tight after school when we went the opposite ways home.  We shared our ice cream truck money to be sure everyone got a "Grab Bag" and if there wasn't enough change we would pass that Bomb Pop around the circle for licks until it was gone.  We.  Were.  Girls!  

I am still that same little girl as an adult even though my sistah friend relationships have matured as I've grown.  I hate to think what my life would be like without my sistah friends and I do whatever I can to nurture those special relationships despite time, distance, marriage, misunderstandings, babies, new loves, breakups and divorce.  These chicks are that important to me...

Some time ago I stumbled across an article about friendship titled, "5 Friends Every Woman Should Have."  I don't think the author was suggesting we should only have 5 friends as women since we can have as many friends as we can be the same type of friend to, right?  But!  It's the kind of friends we should have as women that makes the difference.  If all of our friends are the same type of friend to us we are likely missing out.  Whether we have a few friends or several friends, variety is the key.  

As I have grown older the number of close friends I have…like fa real, fa real, 'sho 'nuff without a doubt has dwindled a bit.  I still have room in my life for chicks I connect with, enjoy spending time with and want to get to know more...but close friends?  I'd like to think I have a "Strong 3" that are my close friends and they just happen to be 3 of the 5 types of friends suggested in the article.  Here's my take on those 5 friends every women should have... 

1.  The Uplifter.  Her number is in the "Favorites" section of your smart phone for when shit stuff is just falling apart.  She knows just what to say to make it all better and won't hesitate to call on the mighty name of Jesus to get you through your latest set back.  If she's not quoting scripture to you she is definitely showering you with words of affirmation.  If you could stuff her in your back pocket and take her wherever you go, just in case…you would.  If you're a believer, you better get you a Prayer Warrior in your life, girl!  

2.  The Travel Buddy.  Wherever you want to go, she is d o w n!  She has probably been to most of the places you dream of going, is typically planning her next trip and is always nudging you to get your passport in order and explore the world.  The stories and pictures that chronicle your trips together are amazing because she dreams BIG!  

Where My Girls At?!!?
3.  The Truth Teller.  Honey, don't even think about going to her unless you want it raw & uncut!  She takes no shorts, has no problem telling you about yourself, could care less about hurting your little feelings and doesn't give you doses of that nasty truth telling medicine with any sugar.  She tells you what you really already know deep down inside but doesn't judge you when you fail to heed her good advice.  Again.   

4.  The Girl Who Just Wants To Have Fun.  She is not to be confused with being ratchet but she could maybe sorta kinda probably pass for ratchet if she's had too many cocktails in one setting.  Whatever you want to do, this chick already has her shoes in hand and her "Freak 'Em Dress" on, baby!  Some of the stuff she suggests you two get into has you giving her the side eye and you know if you were brave enough to do such unmentionable things it would certainly be with her.  She's taking all your dirt to the grave with her (thank God!) and you're doing the same for her.  

5.  The Unlikely Friend.  When you are out and about together you notice people here and there giving you both a second glance because you just don't…match, you know?  In your wildest dreams you would have never imagined you would be friends with this chick but something about you with her just clicks.  She's exposed you to some good stuff and you grow a little more when you share time and space with her.    

We are hard wired to be connected to another person in this life and the number of connections we can make is only hindered by our personal limitations.  My life is better for the connections I have made with my sistah friends and hopefully I am as good a friend to them as they are to me.  Where your girls at?!? 


  1. Great topic Faith! I am blessed to have an amazing group of women in my life. The 9 of us have been best friends for over 30 years (longer for some). We did all of the things you described in your blog and more :-). I can't imagine my life without them and my life is all the better with them in it. In our 9th grade year we named our crew the "Hands Off Crew" and vowed to never let a man come between us (we'd seen too many fights, and friendships end over men). We've been able to keep that promise. We love eachother and our friendship is important. I've met other women and have developed some really great friendships, but I owe my early "training" of how to be a good friend to these ladies. Because of them, I am a better me. Women need eachother and we should not be "afraid" to make a friend and be a friend. #crew4life

  2. Your mention of that early training you received from your girlfriends is nicely stated, Mia! So many of us have not benefitted from good examples of how to behave in healthy and long lasting friendships with women. Beautifully stated!

  3. I am growing more and more in this area. Particularly understanding that I NEED women as friends. Having spent most of my life really connecting to men as my circle, there was clearly something missing when I got around a group of women that I could trust to love on me!

    That #5 friend is so important! I want to live, and part of living is growing...and part of growing is being challenged. The Unlikely Friend will always do that for you! I've got a couple of those! =)

  4. Good post, but be as good a friend as you get. A good friend (since we were 4 or 5 years old) and I had a misunderstanding that resulted in us not speaking for close to a year and a half. It was devastating, but it had to happen. We realized what our responsibilities are in a friendship. We both had to grown up a bit and because we had such a close bond- sometimes we took each other for granted. We're better now, but that situation opened my eyes so I could be a better friend. Thanks, Faith!

    1. And you still managed to save that friendship, Sonya! That is the wonderful thing and very gracious of both of you. Women friendships are fragile and so worth care and protection.
