Friday, January 17, 2014

Toot! Toot! Heyyy…Beep! Beep! *cue the whistles*

There's a saying that goes, "Sometimes you have to encourage yourself."  If you have ever visited any black Holy Ghost filled church the choir has at some point swayed back and forth, voices lifted to the heavens and arms stretched out wide singing with all their hearts a song by the same name, even.  The idea is to forget looking for someone else to give you a fist pump or smack on the butt for taking care of your business.  Toot your own horn, baby!  With 2013 fading into a distant memory, what better time than the present to do a review of those 365 days and acknowledge e'rythang…e'rythang you did to improve your life last year?  Really!  Think about it, "How Did You Improve The Quality of Your Life in 2013?"  

Now, if it takes you a little bit because nothing comes to mind right away, no worries.  Just sit with it.  Don't rush it.  Keep thinking it through.  Maybe have a glass of wine, a cup of coffee or your favorite fragrant tea, listen to your favorite music (the mighty, mighty Earth, Wind & Fire always gets my vote), settle into a comfortable chair and just reflect.    

While you are giving some thought to how you managed some amazing things in your big, fantastic and unique life, dig how I managed to manifest some pretty good happenings over the past 365 days in my own incredible, unique and powerful life!

  • I said, "No." to several requests and felt absolutely no guilt about it.
  • I gifted myself with flowers just about every other week from the local Farmer's Market and placed them right on our nightstand for me to admire.  Flowers just make me feel all girly and pretty and grown womanish and for a mere $3.00 a bunch, why not feel all girly, pretty and grown womanish?
  • I had a few "Courageous Conversations" with people in my life that improved relationships and situations, even though it did not feel like it in the moment.  Or shortly thereafter.
  • I challenged my judgmental mind and don't you know I was typically wrong in my judgment, more often than not?  Go figure!
  • I made a few new friends.  Yes, it happens even in our 40's!
  • I took swimming lessons for the 3rd time in my adult life and actually learned how to swim this time!  I am no Michaela Phelps by any stretch of the imagination but I am getting better with each trip to the pool.  Especially if it's a heated pool.  Wooo hooooo!!! 
  • I made my mental well being a priority.  Consistently.  Twice a month.   
  • I enjoyed leisurely mid day naps across the bed or cuddled up on the couch in complete silence.  No television playing in the background.  Just the sound of life passing by drifting through the open windows.  You know, I remember fighting against having to take naps on those little reversible red and blue plastic mats way back in kindergarten.  But now?!?  Baby, a good old nap is just the thing to change a pissy attitude, get that boost of energy, sleep away a little sadness and wake up refreshed, renewed and ready to face the rest of the day! 
I'm Encouraged!!

Not too bad, Faith Margaret! *brushing my shoulders off, patting my "ownself"(that's a word) on the back as I do my happy dance in my Christmas Uggs with a celebratory glass of Moscato in my hand! * 

Before January turns into February and February turns into March and March turns into April, take some time to acknowledge how you improved your quality of life in 2013.  Give yourself a pat on the back and celebrate yo'self!  Then use that energy to push through 2014 improving the quality of your life along the way.  Here's to having what we want!  *clink, clink, clink*  

Side note:  I don't really need a reason to drink a bottle glass of Moscato. *smirk*


  1. I'm loving this blog Faith Margaret!!! Keep speaking.....

  2. This is wonderful. I didn't think about my successes in this light. Thanks

  3. You had an interesting journey in 2013, Morenike and it's likely certain you did a lot of something to improve the quality of your life. When your successes come to you in this light the surprise will excite you and push you to do more of the same this year. Celebrate, girl!

  4. Faith! I just continued the progress I made in 2012, in 2013- to move forward and make this life in Texas be what I wanted it to be! I found my voice in a few relationships where I tend to be a people pleaser or keep quiet, I stopped accepting toxic friendships/relationships in my life just because the other person was someone from my past (uh, that's why your from my past,lol), I vowed to be more transparent with my family, and I forgave myself quickly when I messed up. You know most people (including me) ARE doing the best they can, so I had to learn to cut other people some lack. I toot my horn to YOU for a free, non-judgmental space to speak my mind....*applause, applause, applause*....Sonya

    1. Sonya, you are on a roll continuing with doing big, bold, new things for your life with your move to Texas! Transparency takes bravery but once we commit to doing it, it's like we don't know any other way to be. And that can be a gift to people around us and can give them permission to do the same. Standing ovation for you, girlfriend! B R A V O!!!

  5. Hmmm.... I'm always working on (and dealing with me)... I've made a better attempt at forgiving myself. Letting it go. Not beating myself up, or punishing me when I do what I do best... Be Human!

    Embracing my humanity, is H.A.R.D. W.O.R.K., especially when you feel like you can't or aren't supposed to "fail"...but in the words of En Vogue, I'm giving it up...and turning it loose... about that bottle of wine? #IfYouEverNeedHelpImAPhoneCallOrTextMessageAway!

  6. Spot on, Natina! We do punish ourselves when we fall short, don't we? We will have that bottle of wine one day…maybe two!
